How to define a generic cross coverage for generic range between two variables


if i have bins like this as mentioned below :

cover_A : coverpoint A variable_A Cover_B : coverpoint B variable_B

Note : variable_A generates the bins for coverpoint A variable_B generates the bins for Coverpoint B

I dont know the range of variable_A or variable_B (Configuration and simulation dependent but for sure A will be multiple of B )

Example 1:

if A={0,1,2,3} , B={0,1} then A ={0,1} belongs to B{0} and A{2,3} belongs to B{1}

cross_A_B: cross cross_variable, cover_A, cover_B {
ignore_bins bin_1 = binsof(cover_A) intersect {0,1} && binsof(cover_B) intersect{1};
ignore_bins bin_2 = binsof(cover_A) intersect {2,3} && binsof(cover_B) intersect{0};

Example 2 :

if A={0,1,2,3,4,5} , B={0,1} then A ={0,1,2} belongs to B{0} and A{3,4,5} belongs to B{1}

cross_A_B: cross cross_variable, cover_A, cover_B {
ignore_bins bin_1 = binsof(cover_A) intersect {0,1,2} && binsof(cover_B) intersect{1};
ignore_bins bin_2 = binsof(cover_A) intersect {3,4,5} && binsof(cover_B) intersect{0};

Example 3 :

if A={0,1,2,3,4,5} , B={0,1,2} then A ={0,1} belongs to B{0} , A{2,4} belongs to B{1} , A{4,5} belongs to B{2}.

cross_A_B: cross cross_variable, cover_A, cover_B {
ignore_bins bin_1 = binsof(cover_A) intersect {0,1} && binsof(cover_B) intersect{1,2};
ignore_bins bin_2 = binsof(cover_A) intersect {2,3} && binsof(cover_B) intersect{0,2};
ignore_bins bin_3 = binsof(cover_A) intersect {4,5} && binsof(cover_B) intersect{0,1};

Now i want to write a cross bin generic for my scenario ? can anyone please suggest me any idea ?

In reply to ravitejatelugunta:

I don’t think your examples have a clear enough description to derive a generic model.

I any case, you may want to look at section Cross bin set expression in the 1800-2017 LRM