How to arbitrate among different mailboxes?

*In reply to Srini @*I agree with Srini’s comments: uvm_sequencer does exactly what you are looking for. But if you need to get this working without the UVM, the general algorithm is in this pseudo-code:

forever begin : forever_loop
   foreach (queue[i] or mailbox[i]) begin : wait_loop
      fork a process that blocks with wait(q[i].num >0) or mailbox[i].peek;
      #0 make sure all forks have started so that they can be killed
      kill all other processes that are blocked
      end : wait_loop
   wait fork; 
    foreach (queue[i] or mailbox[i]) begin : arb_loop
       pick  the producer to service
    end : arb_loop
  end :forever_loop