How time advances in uvm scoreboard

In reply to svq:

The current method will work.
But, I think if you change your approach little it will more efficient and won’t require wait logic.

  1. your input is out of order and via temp_store and shorting you making as like DUT order and store into before queue.

But, i think as you already shorted in like output order you need to store in “analysis fifo” instead of queue as Christopher mentioned.

  //Somewhere else as per your TB.
  1) Out of order A0,A3,A2,A1 // original
  2) Short transaction and store inside fifo. // befor_fifo = A0,A1,A2,A3
  3) Dut is already providing in order.       // after_fifo = A0,A1,A2,A3
  task run_phase (uvm_phase phase);
    forever begin
      if( after_fifo.used() && before_fifo.used() ) begin
       before_fifo.get (before_txn); // before data packet
       after_fifo.get (after_txn);   // after data packet
       if ( ! ) `uvm_error ("SCB_CHECK","TX_MISMATCH");

       // If compare data used for comparison between before and after txn. Then it won't require in this case
      // compare_data();
      #1ns; // to advance time in case of fifo empty
  // In run phase
