Dynamic Array declaration

in the code below I have declaring the dynamic array of size 3 and I am assigning values more than declared size but instead of truncating the extra values it was printing all the values that I was assigning. Even if I comment the da=new[3] from the code it was working fine then what is the point of new declaration for dynamic arrays.

//Code :  Dynamic arrays
module darr;
  int da[];
  initial begin
    $display("array size = %0d",da.size());
    foreach (da[i]) $display("array[%0d] = %0d", i, da[i]);
    $display("array size = %0d",da.size());
    $display("size of array da after delete : %0p",da.size());

Output Printed :

# run -all
# array size = 3
# array[0] = 2
# array[1] = 3
# array[2] = 4
# array[3] = 5
# array[4] = 6
# array[5] = 7
# array[6] = 8
# array[7] = 9
# array[8] = 10
# array size = 9
# size of array da after delete : 0
# exit

Output if da=new[3] is commented :

# run -all
# array size = 0
# array[0] = 2
# array[1] = 3
# array[2] = 4
# array[3] = 5
# array[4] = 6
# array[5] = 7
# array[6] = 8
# array[7] = 9
# array[8] = 10
# array size = 9
# size of array da after delete : 0
# exit

Whenever you copy an dynamic array whole, the array gets resized to match the size of the source array. You can use the dynamic array constructor new[] when you need to initialize it an element at a time (like in a loop), or there is no need for user defined initialization(the default 0 for int suits you).