Duplicate items in uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo used in scoreboard

In reply to chr_sue:
I’m only using try functions to debug and print things out. I’ve made a custom uvm_tlm_analysis_fifo based on the uvm one. I added print statement in the write function:

class bvm_tlm_analysis_fifo #(type T = int) extends uvm_tlm_fifo #(T);

  // Port: analysis_export #(T)
  // The analysis_export provides the write method to all connected analysis
  // ports and parent exports:
  //|  function void write (T t)
  // Access via ports bound to this export is the normal mechanism for writing
  // to an analysis FIFO. 
  // See write method of <uvm_tlm_if_base #(T1,T2)> for more information.

  uvm_analysis_imp #(T, bvm_tlm_analysis_fifo #(T)) analysis_export;

  // Function: new
  // This is the standard uvm_component constructor. ~name~ is the local name
  // of this component. The ~parent~ should be left unspecified when this
  // component is instantiated in statically elaborated constructs and must be
  // specified when this component is a child of another UVM component.

  function new(string name ,  uvm_component parent = null);
    super.new(name, parent, 0); // analysis fifo must be unbounded
    analysis_export = new("analysis_export", this);

  const static string type_name = "bvm_tlm_analysis_fifo #(T)";

  virtual function string get_type_name();
    return type_name;

  function void write(input T t);
    my_pkt t1;

    if($cast(t1, t)) begin
      if(this.try_put(t1)) // unbounded => must succeed
            `uvm_info("SB: packet written to fifo:", t1.convert2string(), UVM_LOW)
            `uvm_info("SB:", "try_put failed", UVM_LOW)
    end // if($cast(t1, t))   
    else begin
      `uvm_fatal(get_type_name(), "Unsupported UVM transaction format!");


Result is try_put always succeeds. I print out unique packets (no duplicates) with the “packet written to fifo” statement. But the duplicates are still written to the fifo! So, again, I really think it’s this uvm fifo and it’s frustrating.