difference between : sig_a - > ##2 sig_b and sig_a = > ##2 sig_b in systemverilog assertions
→ immediately evaluated
=> next clock cycle evaluated
=> is equal to ->##1
u can say sig_a=>##2 sig_b as sig_a ->##3 sig_b
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To write a constraint that sig_a goes high, sig_b must follow within 3 clk cycles.
sig_a |-> [1:3] sig_b; // is this correct
Be careful with your syntax
A -> B
is a logical implication operator equivalent to!A || B
A |-> B
is an overlapping implication property operator. When A and B are both boolean expressions, it behaves the same as the logical operator, except that !A is considered a vacuous success.A |=> B
is non-overlapping implication property operator. It is equivalent toA|-> ##1 B
. We recommend using the latter for consistency and clarity.A -> ##[1:3] B
means B must follow between 1 and 3 cycles.
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