Is cross coverage between two bins possible? Yes or no, why?
Is cross coverage between two bins possible? Yes or no, why?
In reply to Shashank Gurijala:
If you mean cross coverage between two bins of the same coverpoint, then no. You are only allowed to cross coverpoints.
In reply to dave_59:
Is it possible to cross two bins of two different coverpoints?
Or a bin of one coverpoint or another coverpoint?
Is it allowed to cross just one bin which the user explicitly defined to anything at all?
In reply to Shashank Gurijala:
You are only allowed to cross coverpoints. If you only want to cross one particular bin of a coverpoint, you have to cross all the bins of a coverpoint and ignore the bins you do not want. Better to have just the bins you want in the coverpoint to cross and create multiple coverpoints each with the individual bins your want covered.