Cross Coverage bin creation

Hello! Look at the below code:

covergroup cg;
		c1: coverpoint data {
				bins d1 [2]  =  {6,7,8,9};
		        	bins d2 [2]  =  {[10:12],[13:16],21};
				bins d5 []   =   default;

		c2: coverpoint addr {  
				bins a1 [2] = {0,1,2,3};
				bins a2 []  = default;
		c3: cross c1,c2;
		c4: cross c1,data; 
		c5: cross c1,addr; 
		c6: cross c3,c2;
		c7: cross c6,c2;

While viewing the covergroup window, the bins are implicitly created for data and addr due to cross coverpoints c4 and c5.

So I implicitly declared two coverpoints c8 and c9 for addr and data respectively. But the tool again created two separate coverpoints for data and addr.



In reply to Shashank Gurijala:

You mean you explicitly declared two coverpoints c8 and c9 for addr and data respectively. An implicit coverpoint gets created for every variable you have in a cross. No exceptions.