Counting number of events on clock a, while clock o is forbidden

In reply to Jadoon:

(($rose(rst) ##1 a[->4]) intersect !o[*]) ##1 a[->1]
Is the antecedent; if it fails, assertion is vacuous.
Two options: 
1) write another assertion with just the antecedent, I.e.,
(($rose(rst) ##1 a[->4]) intersect !o[*]) ##1 a[->1]
If that sequence fails, that assertion will fail.

2) replace the implication operator with ##0. Thus,
(($rose(rst) ##1 a[->4]) intersect !o[*]) ##1 a[->1] ##0 o==1'b1 ##1 a ~^ o[*1000]);
