Copying the elements of a dynamic array into a queue

I know that we have the concept of queue of dynamic arrays,but is it possible to copy the contents of a dynamic array into a queue?Please help me.

In reply to leya:
you can do following thing.

module top (/*port details*/);
  bit [7:0] d_array[];
  bit [7:0] queue[$];

    d_array = '{1,2,3,4,5,6};
    queue = { >> {d_array}};  // copying d_array in queue

    $display(" QUEUE = %0p",queue);
endmodule: top

// Even below code will aslo work
// Code your testbench here
// or browse Examples

module top (/*port details*/);
  bit [7:0] d_array[];
  bit [7:0] queue[$];
    d_array = '{1,2,3,4,5,6};
    queue =  d_array;  // copying d_array in queue
    $display(" QUEUE = %0p",queue);
endmodule: top

Thanks for the help…now i got it

In reply to kerulmodi:
how to do the reverse ??
and what if queue already has some values so how to override it

In reply to mittal:

Similar manner you can do it in reverse way.

module top (/*port details*/);
  bit [7:0] d_array[];
  bit [7:0] queue[$];
    queue = '{1,2,3,4,5,6};
    d_array = { >> {queue}};  // copying queue in d_array 
    $display(" D_ARRAY = %0p",d_array);
endmodule: top

if want this using function then how we can write it?

All of “this” can be done in one statement without writing a function. There are a number of things being discussed here. What is the “this” you want to do?