In reply to mlsxdx:
2 ways to have hard distribution.
typedef enum bit[1:0] {EE0=0, EE1, EE2, EE3} ee_e;
// 1st method : simple way for your case
EEs.sum with(int'(item==EE0)) == EEs.size/4;
EEs.sum with(int'(item==EE1)) == EEs.size/4;
EEs.sum with(int'(item==EE2)) == EEs.size/4;
// 2nd method : to support more enum type if need
rand ee_e EEs[];
rand ee_e helper[4];
foreach(helper[i]) {
helper[i] == i;
EEs.sum with(int'(item==helper[i])) == EEs.size/4;