Constraining dynamic packed arrays in a typedef struct

I am creating a dynamic array of a packed array contained in a struct. The struct is maintained in a package.

The struct is defined like so:

  typedef struct {
    rand real test_data[7:0];
  } t_test_data;

The dynamic array of the struct is created and constrained in a uvm_sequence_item like so:

  rand t_test_data test_data[];
  constraint test_data_c {
    foreach (test_data[i].test_data) {
      test_data[i].test_data inside {[MIN:MAX]};

But unfortunately, this will cause a compilation error:

# ** Error: ** while parsing file included at
# ** at At least one loop variable declaration is required.
# ** Error: ** while parsing file included at
# ** at (vlog-2730) Undefined variable: 'i'.

what is the proper syntax to constrain dynamic packed arrays of real data types?

Nothing is packed in the code shown. The declaration you show is an dynamic unpacked array of an unpacked struct with a member whose type is an unpacked array of reals.

You need to nest the foreach iterators

 constraint test_data_c {
    foreach (test_data[i]) 
      foreach(test_data[i].test_data[j]) {
        test_data[i].test_data[j] inside {[MIN:MAX]};

I corrected the constraint to use nested foreach iterators, and this has resolved the compile time error.

Thank you for the help, it is very much appreciated!

As a follow up to the initial question, I am attempting to assign t_test_data.test_data to the 16-bit std_logic_vector port in DUT.

The assignment in the testbench is like so:

initial assign u_test.i_rx_data = '{logic'{tb_vif.i_rx_data.test_data}, logic'{tb_vif.i_rx_data.test_data}};

The interface uses the struct:

t_test_data i_rx_data;

But the signal assignment is generating an error during simulation:

# ** Error: (vsim-8220) This or another usage of 'u_test.i_rx_data' inconsistent with 'VHDL INPUT PORT' object.
#    Time: 0 ps  Iteration: 0  Instance: /tb_top File: Line: 87
# ** Error (suppressible): (vsim-13215) Cannot assign an unpacked type 'real$[0:7]' to a packed type 'reg'.
#    Time: 0 ps  Iteration: 0  Instance: /tb_top File: Line: 87
# ** Error (suppressible): (vsim-13215) Cannot assign an unpacked type 'real$[0:7]' to a packed type 'reg'.
#    Time: 0 ps  Iteration: 0  Instance: /tb_top File: Line: 87