Configdb scope path issue

In reply to chr_sue:

In reply to silverace99:
get_sequencer returns an object of type uvm_sequencer_base.
See here:

virtual function uvm_sequencer_base get_sequencer (....);

This is your Problem. You have to perform y type Cast to your sequencer type.
Declaring the p_sequncer using this UVM macro


is doing this work for you.
It is equivalent to

my_sequencer p_sequencer;
if ( ! $cast(p_sequencer, get_sequencer()) )

Ok. To be clear, what you are saying is that get_sequencer() is returning a base sequencer object instead of the derived sequencer object that I am using, and therefore even if the path string is correct the uvm_config_db get() will fail to on it’s database key search?

Because when I look at uvm debug menu via waveform gui, I can see that the path string is matching. Or perhaps I am misunderstanding how uvm_config_db get() works.