Concurrent Assertion :: To check the No. of Occurrence of ' ack ' within certain clocks

In reply to

Ben , two follow up questions

(1) Assume antecedent is True at Clock tick T0 , and the ’ ack ’ is received at T5

So the assertion would Pass at T5 .

I have following understanding of the consequent . Please correct me if wrong .

LHS of intersect operator is :: *( !ack[0:] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*0:] ) .

It’s equivalent to ::

   ( !ack[*0] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*0:$] )  or  ( !ack[*1] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*0:$] )  or 

   ( !ack[3] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*0:$] )   or  ( !ack[*4] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*0:$] )  or  .... 

   ( !ack[*0:$] )  is  equivalent  to  ( !ack[*0] or  !ack[*1] or  !ack[*2] or  .... )

So one such sequence from the infinite possible sequence is

      ( !ack[*4] ##1 ack ##1 !ack[*0] )  //  This  sequence  is  True for  T1  to T5 .
As  consequent  has  an  implicit  "first_match"  ,  if  any  1 of  the  infinite 
combination  is  True  the  LHS  of  ' intersect '  operator  is  True . 

(2) Is the above solution an alternative to your unique solution in :: Uniq_Ack