Hi Everyone, I’m trying to write an assertion to check that input1 and input2 shouldn’t be equal at posedge of clk. But, i’m encountering an issue: the assertion is getting triggered even when the clock is not going high(also when clk is not even stabilised,x->0) .
This is my initial assertion: I’m passing disable condition instead of using reset to disable the assertion. Value of dis_cond will alway be '0.
Later i modified it to check only when both inputs are stabilised but still the assertion is failing as it is getting triggered when clk is 'x. Can you help me understand why it is getting triggered when clk is not valid?
I’m confused why you’re using not(expression). Doesn’t it change it the requirement altogether? not(inp1 != inp2) but i want to check that at every posedge of clk, input != input2 should become true.