Clock Frequency Check ( considering Jitter )

In reply to dave_59:

Dave ,

The period of a 1Mhz clock is 1us. If the current timescale is 1ns, $realtime returns 1000.0, not 10**-6.

Hence if timescale is 1ns , clock frequency of 1MHz i.e 1 us is scaled to 1000ns

EDIT : A short sample_code for the same .

Two quick questions ::

$realtime returns the time scaled to current time scale/unit

[Q1] Assuming that I use a time literal , would the numbers post the decimal point be taken care of automatically ?

My concern was that if the Clock period is in ns / ps / fs , would the actual argument to J ( 5% of 1ns / 1ps / 1fs ) be the appropriate value .

[Q2] What if the input argument of type ’ real ’ is unit less ? Eg: Duty Cycle .

I have code snippet as :: Duty_Cycle_EDA

     If  I  were  to  add  input  argument  to  the  property  ' duty_cycle ' .

       property  duty_cycle ( real duty , real  diff );
         realtime Tpos , Ton , T ; 

            ##0  (  T  inside  { [ duty - diff ] : [ duty + diff ] }  )  ;  


       //   Duty  Cycle  Must  be  55.555 % +-  0.05 %

         assert  property( clock_frequency( 55.555  , 0.05 * ( 55.555 ) )

                 else  $display(" TIME : %0t  Assertion  Fails " , $time ) ;