In reply to sharvil111:
In reply to chr_sue:
Thank you for your replies. I think I should provide a bit more detail:
I have a scoreboard in which I compare transfers which have a class type that is extended from the uvm_sequence_item. When the transfer class’s compare function (which I don’t want to modify) is called in the sb, the parent functions in the hierarchy are called as a result all the way up to uvm_object. The compare function in the uvm_object is what’s printing the annoying [MISCMP] messages.
Therefore, and please correct me if I’m wrong, I don’t think I can use set_report_verbosity_level_hier, set_report_verbosity or the report catcher class because they all seem to be outside the uvm_void/uvm_object/uvm_transaction/uvm_sequence_item/uvm_sequence class chain of hierarchy. I couldn’t find similar functions in that chain of classes.
I tried the catch function override anyway and I still get the messages:
//class override
class miscmp_error_demoter extends uvm_report_catcher;
function new(string name="miscmp_error_demoter");;
function action_e catch();
if(get_id() == "MISCMP")
return THROW;
// In,
miscmp_error_demoter demoter;
initial begin
demoter = new();
uvm_report_cb::add( null, demoter);