Casting int to string yields different results

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks, Dave, I have changed the code to the following:

  function void test_vars();
    static int myInt = 32'h1200d2d5;
    automatic string myString, myOtherString;
    $display("myInt = %h", myInt);
    // first cast
    $sformat(myString, "%s", myInt);
    // second cast
    myOtherString = string'(myInt);
    $displayh("myString = %p, myOtherString = %p", bytes_t'(myString), bytes_t'(myOtherString));
  endfunction : test_vars

What I get is this:
myInt = 1200d2d5
myString = '{18, 32, -46, -43} , myOtherString = '{18, -46, -43}

While I would like to have seen this:
myString = '{18 , 00, -46, -43}

Still, the first cast is translating 0x00 to 0x20 (32 in decimal), while the second cast completely ignores the 0x00 byte.