Behaviour of if else inside always_comb block


always_comb begin
if() // execute code: x==1
else if() // execute code: x==2
else if() // execute code: x==3

I am trying to understand what happens when a certain condition doesn’t fall into any of the ‘if else’ mentioned above and there is no else block?

Thank you

if none of the if or else if conditions match and there is no else block, then nothing happens, the block simply does not execute any statements.

If a variable gets assigned in some, but not all branches of an always_comb process and that variable is read by another, that process does not represent combinational logic and tools are requested to generate a warning.

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So, if I have a same variable being read and written in the always_comb block, and there is no else condition, I am observing that it latches onto the value of the last if else (in this case, x==3).

I didn’t see any warning from the tool and it came out to be false pass

The warning is not mandatory. I think systhesis tools should generate a warning.

Yes, synthesis tools generate a warning.