Assume property in FPV

In reply to r.murugesan:
You’ll need support logic:
If I understand you correctly you want an assumption where “a” behaves as follows:

// cycle         0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
//  a    0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 
//                 <-> <-> <-> 
// repeat           1   2   3  
bit instart; // support bit 
function void f(bit w); instart=w; endfunction 
am_a_toggle: assume property(@(posedge clk( 
         ($rose(a) && instart==0, f(1)) |->
              (##1 !a ##1 a)[*3] ##1 (!a, f(0)) ) else f(0);
// At (rose(a) and !instart) set instart to 1 to prevent other starts 
// after 3 sets of a== 0, a==1, continue the sequence with a==0 and reset the instart to 0.
// In simulation, if the assume fails, reset the instart to 0. 

Ben Cohen
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