Assertion for statistics

In reply to saritr:
You can use an immediate assertion. However, you need to identify your variables by their instances. Thus,

module m; 
  bit clk, tx_srstn;
  tx_in_interface  tx_in1(.*); 
  tx_out_interface tx_out1(.*);
  // NOT sure if you ned to type cast the sqrt.  If so, then 
 typedef logic [15:0] WORD;
  // I want to check that every time sin equal to 1(decimal) y will be xi/sqrt(2), 
  always if(tx_in1.sin==4'H0001) 
         a_sin: assert(tx_out1.y == WORD'(tx_in1.xi/(2 ** 0.5)) ); 
  // see 1800'2012 11.4.3 Arithmetic operators 

 //and every time cos equal to 1(dec) y will be xq/sqrt(2) 
 always if(tx_in1.cos==4'H0001) 
          a_cos: assert(tx_out1.y == WORD'(tx_in1.xq /(2 ** 0.5)) ); 

Ben Cohen