AHB verification Constraint

Hi all , i am trying to verify ahb2apb bridge where I had 2 functions to get random address
I) address_based_on_data_width(min,max) → it will give me address based on data width of master either in word addressable or byte addressable
ii) address_based_on_size(min,max,size) → here I am using a solve before constraint
solve HSIZE before HADDR;
then sending hsize to get appropriate haddr accordingly

→ so here my doubt is what would be the appropriate constraint I need to use for ahb verif should I generate word addressable addresses first and adjust hsize accordingly or vice versa

assume I had a slave connected to it which is of different data width for instance master data width is 32 and slave data width is 16 , how should I need to constraint my random haddr stimulus

Thanks for your time and would be really happy to hear your opinions and suggestions on this