What is DOA stands for?


Encountered many times this abbreviation: DOA.
What is it stands for in verification?


In reply to Michael54:

Found this: domain of attraction (DOA)
Abstract:This paper develops a new sampling-based method for stability verification of piecewise continuous nonlinear systems via Lyapunov functions. Depending on the nonlinear system dynamics, the candidate Lyapunov function and the set of states of interest, verifying stability requires solving complex, possibly non-convex or infeasible optimization problems. To avoid such problems, the proposed approach firstly distributes the verification of Lyapunov’s inequality on a finite sampling of a bounded set of states of interest. Secondly, it extends the validity of Lyapunov’s inequality to an infinite, bounded set of states by automatically exploiting local continuity properties. A sampling-based method for estimating the domain of attraction (DOA) via level sets of a validated Lyapunov function is also presented.

In reply to ben@SystemVerilog.us:

Thank you Ben for finding this.

But it probably related to something else, kind of tests or regression list, saw it in a legacy code starting to use.

In reply to Michael54:

When I was working as a verification consultant, I was always floored by the number of new acronyms I came across at each company, and the fact that many of them were not documented anywhere but in people’s heads.

The first thing I think of when I see DOA is “Dead On Arrival”. But there’s no way of knowing what it supposed to mean without showing the context of where it’s used.

In reply to dave_59:

Thank you Dave.

I also saw this meaning on the web.
Was hoping other verification engineers encountered this acronym once and can share with us the purpose of using it.
I am also not a big fan of using acronyms, especially when it comes to names of variables, or enum values.