Trying to read hex data from a file

I am trying to create a task that reads in a hex file (raw video data) and injects it axis stream. I am looking for some guidance on the System Verilog file operations work. My pixels are 16-bits but for now, all I am trying to do is read single bytes in from the file. Here is the code I have so far:

task task_file_to_axis(
	input [1024*8-1:0]  file_name,
	input [31:0]        frame_width,
	input [31:0]        frame_height,
	input [31:0]        num_frames,
	output              error

	integer file_handler;
	logic [31:0] pixel;

		file_handler = $fopen (file_name, "rb");
		if(file_handler == 0) begin
			$display("Failed to open file: %0s", file_name);

		$fread(pixel, file_handler);
		$display("pixel read: %h", pixel);        

All this does is read the first 4 bytes (because I made the pixel [31:0]). I am wondering how I can modify this to work in a loop. Is there someway to put an offset into the $fread command?

Here I tried to use $fscanf in a loop to store the values in a 2d array, but this doesn’t work:

reg [15:0] frame[0:18432];

	file_handler = $fopen (file_name, "rb");
	if(file_handler == 0) begin
		$display("Failed to open file: %0s", file_name);

	for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) begin
		pixel = $fscanf(file_handler, "%h", frame[i] );
		$display("pixel read: %h", frame[i]);

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance!

Just a quick update because I realized at least one of my problems. I was using “%h” in the $fscanf function, which does not work. I changed it to %u so now its reading the 16 bits into my array. Also changed the variable it outputs into to “status”. I assume status = 1 is good, and status = 0 means something didn’t work?

integer file_handler;
int status;
reg [15:0] frame[0:18432];

	file_handler = $fopen (file_name, "rb");
	if(file_handler == 0) begin
		$display("Failed to open file: %0s", file_name);

	for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) begin
		status = $fscanf(file_handler, "%u", frame[i] );
		$display("pixel read: %h", frame[i]);
		$display("read status: %d", status);

In reply to ianmurph:

From the LRM: Reading formatted data

The $fscanf system function can be used to format data as it is read from a file. For example:
integer code ;
code = $fscanf ( fd, format, args );

$fscanf reads from the files specified by the file descriptor fd.

The number of successfully matched and assigned input items is returned in code; this number can be 0 in the event of an early matching failure between an input character and the control string. If the input ends before the first matching failure or conversion, EOF (-1) is returned. Applications can call $ferror to determine the cause of the most recent error (see 21.3.7).

In reply to cgales:

It’s hexadecimal data, right?
Can we not just use $readmemh(“file_name”, pixel); ??

In reply to Shubhabrata:

No. It is “raw” data. really binary, not hex.