Time Scale Issue

Hi, My name is Divyang. I am facing one issue related to timescale and it described below:
[1] There are 2 class defined with different-different timescale. One class is inside a package and another one is not.
[2] Package and Class are included in Module Top and after that there is another timescale define in Module Top.
[3] We are printing timescale in Module as well as in both classes.
[4] Now, Issue is while printing timescale from independent class is not same as defined in class. Printing default timescale(1ps/1ps)

I need a help on this. Why defined timescale not taken and took default one?

Code is as per below:

(A) Module Top::

`include "timescale_package.sv"
import timescale_package::*;

`include "timescale_independent_class.svh"

`timescale  10ns/1ps
module time_scale_experiment;

    timer_class   timer_class;
    timescale_independent_class   timescale_independent_class;

    initial  begin
        timer_class = new();
        timescale_independent_class = new();

        $display("%0gns, %0f  Calling Time Class Delay Timer", ($realtime * 10), $realtime);
        $display("%0gns, %0f  Time Class Delay Timer Done", ($realtime * 10), $realtime);
        $display("\n\n%0gns, %0f  Calling Independent Class Delay Timer", ($realtime * 10), $realtime);
        $display("%0gns, %0f  Independent Class Delay Timer Done", ($realtime * 10), $realtime);
        $display("%0gns, %0f  Finish Done",
ime * 10), $realtime);

(B) Timescale Package::


`define TIME_UNIT 100ns  
`define TIME_PRECISION 1ps

package  timescale_package;

timeunit       `TIME_UNIT;
timeprecision  `TIME_PRECISION;

class timer_class;

    function new();
         $display("%0gns, %0f  Timer Class:: Instantiation Done", ($realtime * 100), $realtime);

    task  delay();
         $display("%0gns, %0f  Timer Class:: Waiting for Delay", ($realtime * 100), $realtime);
         $display("%0gns, %0f  Timer Class:: Waiting for Delay Done", ($realtime * 100), $realtime);
endclass : timer_class



(C) Independent Time-Scale Class::

`timescale  1ns/1ps


class timescale_independent_class;
    function new();
       $display("%0gns, %0f  Timescale Independent Class:: Instantiation Done", ($realtime * 1), $realtime);

    task  delay();
         $printtimescale;  // Expected is 1ns/1ps. But printing 1ps/1ps
         $display("%0gns, %0f  Timescale Independent Class:: Waiting for Delay", ($realtime * 1), $realtime);
         $display("%0gns, %0f  Timescale Independent Class:: Waiting for Delay Done", ($realtime * 1), $realtime);
endclass : timescale_independent_class



Output is as per below:

0ns, 0.000000 Timer Class:: Instantiation Done

0ns, 0.000000 Timescale Independent Class:: Instantiation Done

Time scale of (time_scale_experiment) is 10ns / 1ps

10ns, 1.000000 Calling Time Class Delay Timer

Time scale of (timer_package.timer_class.delay) is 100ns / 1ps

10ns, 0.100000 Timer Class:: Waiting for Delay

1110ns, 11.100000 Timer Class:: Waiting for Delay Done

Time scale of (time_scale_experiment) is 10ns / 1ps

1120ns, 112.000000 Time Class Delay Timer Done

1170ns, 117.000000 Calling Timescale Independent Class Delay Timer

# Time scale of (time_scale_experiment_sv_unit.timescale_independent_class.delay) is 1ps / 1ps

1.17e+06ns, 1170000.000000 Timescale Independent Class:: Waiting for Delay

1.17002e+06ns, 1170020.000000 Timescale Independent Class:: Waiting for Delay Done

Time scale of (time_scale_experiment) is 10ns / 1ps

1180.02ns, 118.002000 Timescale Independent Class Delay Timer Done

1230.02ns, 123.002000 Finish Done



The `timescale directive has no effect on the scale and precision of delays in code in the compilation-unit scope, $unit. You must either change the simulation default, or use the timeunit/timeprecision constructs.

See section_3.14.2.3 Precedence of timeunit, timeprecision, and `timescale_

The recommended SystemVerilog approach is to discontinue the use of `timescale.