System verilog assertion question

Hi I need some help to solve this assertion question.
Whenever The signal A goes high , from the next cycle the signal B should repeat n no. of times, where n is equal to value of bit[3:0]C when signal A is asserted.

In reply to boopalakrishnan:

  property chkr;
    int prev_c,cnt;
    @(posedge clk)
    ($rose(A), prev_c = C, cnt =0 ) |=> $rose(B) ##1(B,cnt++)[*1:$] ##1(!B && (cnt == prev_c-1));
  endproperty: chkr

setup a testbench here with passing and a failing case:

Edit: it is a safe practice to add [*1:`MAX] instead of $

In reply to ssureshg_:

Hi ssureshg_,

When would this condition change/get satisfied 1(B,cnt++)[*1:$] ? Looks like B should be high for atleast 1 to infinite times, so when would be move to last condition check?


In reply to ak_verifsj:

it would move automatically to last condition when B goes low, hence “!B”

you can try this
assert property @(posedge clk) $rose(a) |= > b[*c];

In reply to saikishorereddy:

for above expression to compile, c has to be a constant.
requirement is c is being supplied from another signal

I think, have look at below paper where 1st issue is just like you have.

In reply to

Hi ssureshg,
I’m new to SV assertions. Could you please break down your sequence and explain this part?
@(posedge clk)
($rose(A), prev_c = C, cnt =0 ) |=> rose(B) ##1(B,cnt++)[*1:] ##1(!B && (cnt == prev_c-1));

##1(B,cnt++)[*1:$] ##1(!B && (cnt == prev_c-1)) -----> This part to be specific.
