Reg error seen while using macro based sva


We developed macro based SV Assertions in block 1 and trying to use those in block2. However we were encountering errors while we use them in block2. I have highlighted the lines that has the errors in bold.

May I pls know if we are missing anything here, should we have to use the default clocking or $inferred_clk ?

// block1 rough code below

import uvm_pkg::*;
`include "uvm_macros.svh"

module block1_bind

(input wire clk,
 input wire rst_n,
 input wire mc_clk,
 input wire mc_rst_n,
 input wire block1_pclk,
 input wire block1_prst_n,
 input wire block1_sig_rderr

 string report_id = "block1_bind";

 //output signal shouldn't be driven with x value

 property p_check_signal_x(clk_arg, reset_arg, signal_arg);
   @(posedge clk_arg) disable iff(!reset_arg) 
   $isunknown(signal_arg) == 0;   
 endproperty: p_check_signal_x

 `define check_signal_x(clk_arg, reset_arg, signal_arg)\
 assert property(p_check_signal_x(clk_arg, reset_arg, signal_arg))

 `define check_signal_x_cover(clk_arg, reset_arg, signal_arg)\
 cover property(p_check_signal_x(clk_arg, reset_arg, signal_arg))

 A_signal_x_check: `check_signal_x(clk, rst_n, block1_sig_rderr);

 c_signal_x_check: `check_signal_x_cover(clk, rst_n, block1_sig_rderr);

 //clock period check

 property p_clock_period_check(clk_arg, time clock_period);
   time current_time;
   @(posedge clk_arg)  
     (('1, current_time = $time) |=> (clock_period == $time-current_time));
 endproperty: p_clock_period_check

 `define clock_period_check(clk_arg, clock_period)\
 assert property(p_clock_period_check(clk_arg, clock_period))

 `define clock_period_check_cover(clk_arg, clock_period)\
 cover property(p_clock_period_check(clk_arg, clock_period))

 `define clock_x_check(clk_arg)\
 assert #0 ($isunknown(clk_arg) == 0)

 `define clock_x_check_cover(clk_arg)\
 cover #0 ($isunknown(clk_arg) == 0)

 A_clock_x_check: `clock_x_check(clk)
                                 $error(report_id, $psprintf("%t block1 Clock driven with X", $time));

 //c_clock_x_check: `clock_x_check_cover(clk);
 c_clock_x_check: `clock_x_check_cover(clk) $display("%t block1 Clock not driven with X", $time);

/// ***
// block 2 rough code below

`include ""

import uvm_pkg::*;
`include "uvm_macros.svh"

module block2_bind

(input wire clk,
 input wire rst_n,
 input wire block2_clnt0_wcrdt

 string report_id = "block2_bind";

**A_block2clock_period_check: `clock_period_check(clk, 2.0ns) 
**                                      else
                                      $error(report_id, $psprintf("%t Clock period not correct for block2 CLK", $time));

 **c_block2clock_period_check: `clock_period_check_cover(clk, 2.0ns) $display("%t Clock period correct for block2 CLK", $time);
**A_block2signal_x_check: `check_signal_x(clk, rst_n, block2_clnt0_wcrdt)**
                                      $error(report_id, $psprintf("%t block2 rderr driven with X", $time));

 **c_block2signal_x_check: `check_signal_x_cover(clk, rst_n, block2_clnt0_wcrdt) $display("%t block2 rderr not driven with X", $time);
initial begin
  $display("INFO: block2 assertion bind file loaded");

endmodule: block2_bind

///Error msg encountered:
** Error (suppressible): repo_0411/rtl/binds/ (vlog-1957) The sva directive is not sensitive to a clock. Unclocked directives are not supported.
** Error (suppressible): repo_0411/rtl/binds/ (vlog-1957) The sva directive is not sensitive to a clock. Unclocked directives are not supported.
** Error (suppressible): repo_0411/rtl/binds/ (vlog-1957) The sva directive is not sensitive to a clock. Unclocked directives are not supported.
** Error (suppressible): repo_0411/rtl/binds/ (vlog-1957) The sva directive is not sensitive to a clock. Unclocked directives are not supported.



May I pls know if you have any suggestions in this regard.


In reply to nkishorebabu123:

Where is the error exactly.You said it is highlighted but not found

In reply to Anudeep J:


I have placed comments at the end of the lines that showed the error. Pls find the lines that had comments // * error thrown at this line*

// block 2 rough code below

`include “”

import uvm_pkg::*;
`include “uvm_macros.svh”

module block2_bind

(input wire clk,
input wire rst_n,
input wire block2_clnt0_wcrdt

string report_id = “block2_bind”;

*A_block2clock_period_check: `clock_period_check(clk, 2.0ns) // * error thrown at this line
** else
$error(report_id, $psprintf(“%t Clock period not correct for block2 CLK”, $time));

*c_block2clock_period_check: `clock_period_check_cover(clk, 2.0ns) $display(“%t Clock period correct for block2 CLK”, $time); // * error thrown at this line

A_block2signal_x_check: `check_signal_x(clk, rst_n, block2_clnt0_wcrdt) // * error thrown at this line*
$error(report_id, $psprintf(“%t block2 rderr driven with X”, $time));

*c_block2signal_x_check: `check_signal_x_cover(clk, rst_n, block2_clnt0_wcrdt) $display(“%t block2 rderr not driven with X”, $time); // * error thrown at this line

initial begin
$display(“INFO: block2 assertion bind file loaded”);

endmodule: block2_bind
