Randomizing sequence with multiple foreach constraints is slowing down the simulation time

I have a randomized sequence with multiple foreach loops within inline constraints.
The simulation time is increased due to multiple foreach loops in the constraint. Is there a way to optimize the code in SystemVerilog to reduce the simulation time?

if (!p_sequencer.p_test_cfg.m_dut_cfg.randomize() with {
foreach (link_nr[i])
link_cfg_h.b_nr[i] == link_nr[i];
if (ingress_streams) {
foreach (da_pool_m[i])
ingress_traffic_cfg_h.da_pool[i] == da_pool_m[i];
foreach (da_index_m[i, j])
ingress_traffic_cfg_h.da_index[i][j] == da_index_m[i][j];
foreach (mac_filt_mask_m[i])
ingress_traffic_cfg_h.mac_filt_mask[i] == mac_filt_mask_m[i];
foreach (m_num_mac_port_da[i])
ingress_traffic_cfg_h.num_mac_port_da[i] == m_num_mac_port_da[i];
foreach (m_num_da[i])
ingress_traffic_cfg_h.num_da[i] == m_num_da[i];
ingress_traffic_cfg_h.num_hp_da == m_num_hp_da;
ingress_traffic_cfg_h.num_hp_mcast_da == m_num_hp_mcast_da;
foreach (m_num_mcast_da[i])
ingress_traffic_cfg_h.num_mcast_da[i] == m_num_mcast_da[i];
foreach (ing_mcast_dest_port[b_nr, i])
link_cfg_h.ing_dest_port_ena[b_nr][i] == ing_mcast_dest_port[b_nr][i];
}) begin
uvm_fatal(MSG_ID, “Failed to randomize dut_cfg”)

In reply to ankitha:

Without knowing what you are trying to accomplish, it is difficult to provide any recommendations.

It seems like the constraints are just doing assignments to elements of a configuration object. Can you skip the randomization and just do the assignments? Or do the assignments first, disable the randomization for those elements, and then call randomize()?

Sorry I should have added more information earlier. I have added more code below:
I have dut_cfg class of uvm_object type which I want to randomize.
This dut_cfg class has ingress_traffic_cfg and link_cfg classes of uvm_object type. Both are of rand type.
The ingress_traffic_cfg and link_cfg has its own random variables. I am trying to set some of these random variables in foreach loop within the constraints.

class test_cfg extends uvm_object

  dut_cfg m_dut_cfg;

class dut_cfg extends uvm_object;

   rand ingress_traffic_cfg ingress_traffic_cfg_h;
   rand link_cfg link_cfg_h; 

class ingress_traffic_cfg extends traffic_cfg;
   rand bit[47:0] da_pool [MAC_FILT_RULES_NUM]; // 32 unique randomized addresses when no multicast
   rand int da_index[NUM_B][MAX_NUM_OF_INGRESS_STREAMS];
   rand bit[47:0] mac_filt_mask [MAC_FILT_RULES_NUM];   
   rand int num_mac_port_da[NUM_OF_ETHERNET_LINKS];
   rand int num_hp_da;
   rand int num_da[NUM_B];
   rand int num_hp_mcast_da;
   rand int num_mcast_da[NUM_B];

   constraint no_eth_adddress_overlap_con {
      foreach (da_pool[i]) {
         foreach (da_pool[j]) {
            if (vlan_based_routing)
               da_pool[i] == da_pool[j];
            else {
               if (i != j)
                  da_pool[i] != da_pool[j];
               da_pool[i][40] == 0; 

      foreach (mac_filt_mask_m[i]) {
        soft mac_filt_mask_m[i] == '0;

   constraint eth_da_con {
      foreach (num_mac_port_da[i]) {
         num_mac_port_da[i] > 0;
         num_mac_port_da[i] < MAC_FILT_RULES_NUM;
      num_hp_da > 0;
      num_hp_da < MAC_FILT_RULES_NUM;
      foreach (num_da[i]) {
         num_da[i] > 0;
         num_da[i] < MAC_FILT_RULES_NUM;

      if (enable_ing_hp_multiport) {
         num_hp_mcast_da > 0;
         num_hp_mcast_da < MAC_FILT_RULES_NUM;
      } else {
         num_hp_mcast_da == 0;

      foreach (num_mcast_da[i]) {
         if (enable_ing_multiport) {
            num_mcast_da[i] > 0;
            num_mcast_da[i] < MAC_FILT_RULES_NUM;
         } else {
            num_mcast_da[i] == 0;

      num_da.sum() + num_hp_da + num_hp_mcast_da + num_mcast_da.sum() + num_mac_port_da.sum() <= MAC_FILT_RULES_NUM;

      foreach (num_da[i]) {
         foreach (str[j]) {
            solve num_da before da_index[i][j];
            if (enable_ing_multiport) {
               da_index[i][j] < num_mcast_da[i];
               da_index[i][j] >= 0;
            } else {
               da_index[i][j] < num_da[i];
               da_index[i][j] >= 0;


class link_cfg extends uvm_object;

   rand bit[MAX_SWITCH_PORTS_NUM-1:0] ing_mcast_dest_port_ena[NUM_B][MAC_FILT_RULES_NUM];
   rand int b_nr [NUM_OF_ETHERNET_LINKS];

   constraint ing_mc_con {
      foreach (ing_mcast_dest_port_ena[i, j]) {
         if (i > PORT_NUMBER_USED_HIGH) {
            ing_mcast_dest_port_ena[i][j] == 0; // Unused (or monitor) ports
         if (i >= PORT_NUMBER_LOW && i <= PORT_NUMBER_HIGH) {
            ing_mcast_dest_port_ena[i][j] == 1;

   bit b[NUM_B]; // Used only for constraint loop
   constraint b_nr_limit_con {
      b_nr[0] == 0; // Constraint link0 to bip0 due to legacy code from ethss2.0
      foreach (b_nr[i]) {
         b_nr[i] >= 0;
         b_nr[i] < NUM_B;
      foreach(b[i]) {
         b_nr.sum() with (int'(item == i)) >= 1;


class base_seq extends base_vseq;
  int link_nr [NUM_LINKS];
  bit [MAX_SWITCH_PORTS_NUM - 1:0] ing_mcast_dest_port[NUM_B][];

  rand int m_num_mac_port_da[NUM_LINKS];
  rand int m_num_da[NUM_B];
  rand int m_num_hp_da;
  rand int m_num_hp_mcast_da;
  rand int m_num_mcast_da[NUM_B];
  rand bit [47:0] mac_filt_mask_m[MAC_FILT_RULES_NUM];
  rand bit [47:0] da_pool_m [MAC_FILT_RULES_NUM];
  rand int da_index_m[NUM_B][MAX_NUM_OF_INGRESS_STREAMS];

  extern virtual function void randomize_cfg();

function void base_seq::randomize_cfg();
 if (!p_sequencer.p_test_cfg.m_dut_cfg.randomize() with {
   foreach (link_nr[i])
     link_cfg_h.b_nr[i] == link_nr[i];
   if (ingress_streams) {
     foreach (da_pool_m[i])
       ingress_traffic_cfg_h.da_pool[i] == da_pool_m[i];
     foreach (da_index_m[i, j])
       ingress_traffic_cfg_h.da_index[i][j] == da_index_m[i][j];
     foreach (mac_filt_mask_m[i])
      ingress_traffic_cfg_h.mac_filt_mask[i] == mac_filt_mask_m[i];
     foreach (m_num_mac_port_da[i])
       ingress_traffic_cfg_h.num_mac_port_da[i] == m_num_mac_port_da[i];
     foreach (m_num_da[i])
       ingress_traffic_cfg_h.num_da[i] == m_num_da[i];
     ingress_traffic_cfg_h.num_hp_da == m_num_hp_da;
     ingress_traffic_cfg_h.num_hp_mcast_da == m_num_hp_mcast_da;
     foreach (m_num_mcast_da[i])
       ingress_traffic_cfg_h.num_mcast_da[i] == m_num_mcast_da[i];
     foreach (ing_mcast_dest_port[b_nr, i])
       link_cfg_h.ing_dest_port_ena[b_nr][i] == ing_mcast_dest_port[b_nr][i];
}) begin
`uvm_fatal(`MSG_ID, "Failed to randomize dut_cfg")
endfunction : randomize_cfg

More number of foreach loops in the randomize_cfg function above is slowing down the simulation. I checked this with profiler on questa.