Pop_front function does not to decrease the size of the queue

The pop_front function does not seem to decrease the size of the queue. As a result the following while loop never breaks(here ‘sequence_item_base’ is a class and ‘list’ is its static queue member):

while(sequence_item_base::list.size() != 0)
   popped_addr = sequence_item_base::list.pop_front();
   $display("popped addr : 0x%h", popped_addr );
   $display("Size of list:%d",sequence_item_base::list.size());				

The output just cycles again and again through the queue:

popped addr : 0x00000028

Size of list : 5

popped addr : 0x00000008

Size of list : 5

popped addr : 0x00000004

Size of list : 5

popped addr : 0x0000003c

Size of list : 5

popped addr : 0x00000000

Size of list : 5

//Here we go again. The loop never terminates !

popped addr : 0x00000028

Size of list : 5

popped addr : 0x00000008

Size of list : 5

popped addr : 0x00000004

Size of list : 5

popped addr : 0x0000003c

Size of list : 5

popped addr : 0x00000000

Size of list : 5

I am using Questa Sim 10.0d

It works for me - at least with the following test case:

class qic;

static bit[31:0] addr_q[$];

function new();

endclass: qic

module qic_tb;

qic q;

bit[31:0] addr;

initial begin
q = new();
while(q.addr_q.size() != 0) begin
addr = q.addr_q.pop_front();
$display(“addr: %h size:%0d”, addr, q.addr_q.size());
q = new;
while(qic::addr_q.size() != 0) begin
addr = qic::addr_q.pop_front();
$display(“addr: %h size:%0d”, addr, qic::addr_q.size());

endmodule: qic_tb

You may need to share more of your code in order to understand the source of the problem. What is the purpose of the sequence_item_base class? What is its content?

In reply to mperyer:

I had implemented the push_back functionality in the post_randomize phase of uvm. When I used to generated write sequences using randomize function, it used to push the address in the queue. But when I generated read sequences, the same used to happen inspite of popping the data out of the queue. That was undesired. Now it works. Thank you.