Modeling for clock , request & ack handshake

I am trying to model clock, request and ack handshake behavior.
Design sends out request in order to obtain an input clock.
there are ack & reset ports in the design as well.

The specifications needed are as below:

  • It works only when my_reset == 1.
  • Delay between all the signals are totally random
  • Signal have to meet the following sequences.
  • my_request(rise) → random delay → my_clock(toggle) → random delay → my_ack(rise)
  • my_request(fall) → random delay → my_ack(fall) → random delay → my_clock(stop toggle)
    Please refer to the picture below.

The result of my codes is in the picture below and it’s not meeting the specs.
Something has went wrong with the code and causing the clock stuck at 1.
Could you please comments, thanks.

my codes as below.

module clock_req_ack_handshake;

    logic my_clock, my_request,my_reset,my_ack;
    logic my_test_clock;
    initial begin
        my_test_clock = 0;
        my_reset      = 1;
        my_ack        = 0;
        my_clock      = 0;
        my_request    = 0;
        my_request    = 1;
        my_request    = 0;
    realtime my_test_clock_period  = 5ns ;
    always #(my_test_clock_period/2) my_test_clock = ~my_test_clock ;
    realtime my_clk_random_delay_final ;
    realtime my_clk_random_delay       ;
    realtime my_ack_random_delay       ;
    always @(posedge my_request) begin
        my_clk_random_delay = $urandom_range(10,25)*my_test_clock_period;
        my_ack_random_delay = $urandom_range(10,25)*my_test_clock_period;
        my_clk_random_delay_final = my_clk_random_delay ;  // clk delay comes after req, so ack delay is not required
        my_ack = 1'b1;
    always @(negedge my_request) begin
        my_clk_random_delay = $urandom_range(10,25)*my_test_clock_period;
        my_ack_random_delay = $urandom_range(10,25)*my_test_clock_period;
        my_clk_random_delay_final = my_clk_random_delay + my_ack_random_delay ;  // clk delay comes after ack, so ack delay is added in.
        //#my_clk_random_delay; // ack comes first, clk delay comes after ack
        my_ack = 1'b0;
    always @(my_test_clock) begin
            my_clock <= #my_clk_random_delay_final (my_test_clock && my_request && my_reset);


In reply to ChChee:

Your images are no longer visible. With just a few extra lines of code, you could be giving us a complete runnable example. See Asking better questions on the Verification Academy Forums with EDAPlayground - Verification Horizons

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks Dave for getting back. I updated the post.

I have updated my codes by gating the clock with enable, but still couldn’t get it.

my code:

module clock_req_ack_handshake;

    logic my_clock, my_request,my_reset,my_ack;
    logic my_test_clock, clock_en1, clock_en2;
    logic clock_en1;
    initial begin
        clock_en1     = 0;
        my_test_clock = 0;
        my_reset      = 1;
        my_ack        = 0;
        my_clock      = 0;
        my_request    = 0;
        my_request    = 1;
        my_request    = 0;
    realtime my_test_clock_period  = 5ns ;
    always #(my_test_clock_period/2) my_test_clock = ~my_test_clock ;
    realtime my_clk_random_delay_final ;
    realtime my_clk_random_delay       ;
    realtime my_ack_random_delay       ;
    always @(posedge my_request) begin
        my_clk_random_delay = $urandom_range(10,25)*my_test_clock_period;
        my_ack_random_delay = $urandom_range(10,25)*my_test_clock_period;

        clock_en1 = 1'b1;
        my_ack = 1'b1;
    always @(negedge my_request) begin
        my_clk_random_delay = $urandom_range(10,25)*my_test_clock_period;
        my_ack_random_delay = $urandom_range(10,25)*my_test_clock_period;

        #my_ack_random_delay; // ack comes first, clk delay comes after ack
        my_ack = 1'b0;
        #my_clk_random_delay; // ack comes first, clk delay comes after ack
        clock_en1 = 1'b0;
    always @(my_test_clock) begin
            my_clock = (my_test_clock && my_request && my_reset && clock_en1);

