Initializing localparam based on Type parameter

I have a parameterized class with a type - parameter .
Within the parameterized class I have a localparam which I need to initialize based on the type - parameter during specialization

module   top_tb ;

    class  C #( type T = int )  ;

   `ifndef M1 

      localparam  STR  =  $sformatf( "C#(%0s)" , $typename( int ) ) ;

      localparam  STR  =  $sformatf( "C#(%0s)" , $typename( type( T ) )  ) ;

      function  new() ;
        $display(" STR  is  %0s " , STR );


    C #( int ) c_int ;
    C #( bit signed [31:0] ) c_bits_31_0 ;  

    C #( bit  [31:0] ) c_bit_31_0 ;
      initial  begin 

                c_int  =  new() ;
	   c_bits_31_0  =  new() ;

            c_bit_31_0  =  new() ;


I observe issue with it across simulators .
**ONLY 1 of the major 3 Simulators ( Running with Licensed ones at work ) run this code .

However I am not here to discuss simulator issues , I am here to ask if there is a way around the limitation of $typename ??

As per SV LRM Section 20.6.1 :: $typename can be used as elaboration time constant

So Code is Legal as per LRM .

From a strict LRM perspective $typename removes the sign i.e

 $typename( bit signed [1:0] )  should  give  Output  as  bit [1:0] 
 $typename( bit [1:0] )         should  give  Output  as  bit [1:0]

How do I overcome this during initialization of the localparam ?

For the following ::

    C #( bit signed [1:0] ) c_bits_1_0 ;
    C #( bit [1:0] ) c_bit_1_0 ;

I  want  localparam  to  have different values  as  these  are  2  different  Specializations  !!

In reply to TC_2017:

A couple of issues with your question

  • The rule about revealing signedness only applies to the default. Both types
    bit [1:0]
    bit unsigned [1:0]
    should show up as
    bit [1:0]
    , and both
    as well as
    int signed
    should show up as

type(T) should just be

  • From section 11.2.1 Constant expressions in the LRM, it is not clear that both
    are allowed in constant expressions. That is something we are working to correct in the next revision of the LRM.
  • Does STR really need to be a
    ? Would a
    const string
    work for you?