Error while fetching the associative array of queue

class storage extends uvm_component();

/*new constructor*/

axi_transaction mem[int][$];

//axi_transaction ia a sequence_item handle that has awlen,ardata,wdata[$],rdata[$]... as properties


inside monitor component :: 
  axi_tx.rdata.push_back(vif_h.wdata); //axi_tx is the handle for seq_item
  axi_tx.wstrb = vif_h.wstrb;
  axi_tx.wlast = vif_h.wlast;
  axi_tx.wready= vif_h.wready;
  axi_tx.wvalid= vif_h.wvalid;

$display("\t a_array_value = %p",storage_h.mem[1]);

output :
// mem:‘{1:’{@axi_transaction@15} },

i am unable to display the elements inside the memory,its displaying class name

inside driver ::
axi_tx_1h = storage_h.mem[1].pop_front(); // the pop_front is not collecting the data from the memory.
so while driving the data to the vif_h, im getting fatal error.

waiting for the positive response.

In reply to Abhisek Sarkar:

The storage_h handle in monitor component is the same as the one in driver component?
Can you show your code that you share the storage handle between driver and monitor.

In reply to cuonghle:

Yes, i am seting the storage using config db and getting.

In reply to Abhisek Sarkar:

The LRM does not explain how %p with class objects. It only says to display as if assigned using an assignment pattern, and assignment patterns are not defined for use with classes.

You might try:

foreach ( storage_h.mem[1][i]) $display("\t a_array_value = %p",storage_h.mem[1][i]);