Error when using recursive properties


I am trying to create a recursive property and I am getting this error:

Disable iff can not be used inside recursive properties.

The associated code is this one:

timeunit      1ns;                                                                                   
timeprecision 1ps;                                                                                   
module test();                                                                                       
`define WD  [64-1:0]                                                                                 
`define NB  2                                                                                        
    reg clk_i;                                                                                       
    reg rsn_i;                                                                                       
    reg [2:0] len_i;                                                                                 
    reg `WD data_i;                                                                                  
    reg write_en_i;                                                                                  
    wire [127:0] out;                                                                                
    wire ready;                                                                                      
    assign len_i        = 3'b111;                                                                    
    assign data_i       = 'b1;                                                                       
    assign out          = 'b1;                                                                       
    assign write_en_i   = 1'b1;                                                                      
    assign ready        = 1'b1;                                                                      
    always begin                                                                                     
        clk_i =1'b1;                                                                                 
    initial begin                                                                                    
    property p_correct_chunk_value (                                                                 
        local input logic [`NB-1:0]`WD piece,                                                        
        local input int unsigned length                                                              
        logic [`NB-1:0]`WD piece_ = piece;                                                           
        logic length_ = length;                                                                      
        if (length > 0)                                                                              
            (write_en_i, piece_[length_-1] = data_i `WD)                                             
            p_correct_chunk_value(piece_, length_-1)                                                 
            ##[1:$] ready && piece == out                                                            
    property p_correct_recur (local input int unsigned length);                                      
        logic length_ = length;                                                                      
        if (length%`NB == 0)                                                                         
            p_correct_chunk_value('b0, `NB)                                                          
            if (length == 0)                                                                         
                1'b1 // Exit condition                                                                   
                p_correct_chunk_value('b0, length)                                                   
    property p_correct (clk, rsn);                                                                   
        @(posedge clk)                                                                               
        disable iff (!rsn_i)                                                                         
    assertion : assert property (p_correct(clk_i, rsn_i));                                           

When declaring the assertion I DO NOT USE

disable iff

Why this error? The compiler is not pretty intuitive.

Thanks in advance.

In reply to Marc43:

You do not show p_correct_recur().

In reply to dave_59:

In reply to Marc43:
You do not show p_correct_recur().

Sorry it was the same property, I renamed them all before posting.

Now should be okay.

In reply to Marc43:
Still not OK.

Please try to get your code into a complete example that can be compiled by someone else. Surround it with module/endmodule, and put declarations inside. Then it will be easier to uncover mistakes.

In reply to dave_59:

In reply to Marc43:
Still not OK.
Please try to get your code into a complete example that can be compiled by someone else. Surround it with module/endmodule, and put declarations inside. Then it will be easier to uncover mistakes.

Sorry Dave, you are right. I just edited the question and put the entire module. Just ignore the values of the signals, I just assigned them to be able to compile. The thing is that once compiled when simulating it fails with the error I said in the question.

Thanks again.

In reply to Marc43:

OK, I think the error message is not correct. You should report this to your tool vendor.

In any case, property recursion does not work like function recursion—it’s more like retriggering. You may be violating recursion restriction #3: all recursive instances must occur after positive advances in time