Dynamically Resizing arrays @ Scoreboard!


@ Scoreboard, need a help to manipulate data stream of different sizes.

Need to convert and compare Output data 32 bits array to input data 128 bits array




Catch is both are flexible. And one input array of data may be received as multiple output data array of smaller sizes.

Input data arrays can 128, 64 ,32

when i/p data array is 128…Output array 128,64,32
when i/p data array is 64…Output array 64,32
when i/p data array is 32…Output array 32

How to simplify logic?


In reply to John Verif:
You can use a bit-stream cast to convert your data into a common type and then compare them. It looks like the best common type for your data would be a dynamic array of 32-bit words.

module top;
   typedef logic [31:0] uint32_t;
   typedef logic [63:0] uint64_t;
   typedef logic [127:0] uint128_t;

   typedef  uint32_t uint32_array_t[]; // common type
   typedef  uint64_t uint64_array_t[];
   typedef  uint128_t uint128_array_t[];

   uint128_t      input_data_128;
   uint32_array_t output_data_32;
   uint64_array_t output_data_64;

   initial begin
      input_data_128 = 'hFACE_CAFE_DADA_BEBE_FEED_FADE_DEAD_BEEF;
      output_data_32 = {

      if (uint32_array_t'(input_data_128) == output_data_32)
	$error("no match");
      output_data_64 = {'hFACE_CAFE_DADA_BEBE,
      if (uint32_array_t'(input_data_128) == uint32_array_t'(output_data_64))
	$error("no match");
endmodule : top

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks Dave.

I’m doing as below to convert AHB/AXI trans data into bytes format.

case (tr.wstrb[j])
								  																				'h7	:	begin mstr_data_24 = new[1]; mstr_data_24[0] = tr.data[j][23:0]; master_byte_mem = {uint8_array_t'(mstr_data_24),master_byte_mem}; mstr_data_24.delete(); end
								  																				'h9	:	begin mstr_data_24 = new[1]; mstr_data_24[0] = {tr.data[j][31:15],tr.data[j][7:0]}; master_byte_mem = {uint8_array_t'(mstr_data_24),master_byte_mem}; mstr_data_24.delete(); end
								  																				'hc	:	begin mstr_data_24 = new[1]; mstr_data_24[0] = tr.data[j][31:8]; master_byte_mem = {uint8_array_t'(mstr_data_24),master_byte_mem}; mstr_data_24.delete(); end
								  																				'hf	:	begin mstr_data_32 = new[1]; mstr_data_32[0] = tr.data[j][31:0]; master_byte_mem = {uint8_array_t'(mstr_data_32),master_byte_mem}; mstr_data_32.delete(); end

Is there any better way / simplified code to do that?
