Dynamic array sum for selected entries

I have a dynamic array(dyn) of size set to 10 which should be randomized such that 3 elements adds up to 15. I achieved it using a temporary array(temp) as shown below but I am sure there is a better way of achieving this.

  1. Any thoughts of any alternative approach?
  2. I also noticed that if I change the “bit[3:0]” to “int”, simulation hangs.
  3. How can we achieve similar result i.e 3 entries add up to 15 if dyn is a 2 dimensional array?
class pkt;
rand bit[3:0] dyn[];
rand bit[3:0] temp[];

constraint dyn_c {
                                     dyn.size == 10;
                                     temp.size == 3;
                                     foreach (temp[i])
                                         temp[i] inside {dyn};
                                     temp.sum == 15;

endclass : pkt


In reply to rikb2014:
I can’t think of a way of doing this without a temporary helper array. It might be simpler to have an array of bits that select which array elements to sum.
And remember the sum() method always returns a results with the same type as the array’s elements. You have to worry about overflow. See SV contraint to repeat elements n time - SystemVerilog - Verification Academy.

module top;
class pkt;
  rand bit [3:0] dyn[][];
  rand bit tmp[][];
  constraint dyn_c {
    // 2d array 5X6
    dyn.size == 5; foreach (dyn[i]) dyn[i].size == 6;
    // dyn and tmp arrays have the same size
    dyn.size == tmp.size; foreach (dyn[i]) dyn[i].size == tmp[i].size;
    // turn on only three elements in tmp array
    tmp.sum(tmp_i) with (tmp_i.sum(tmp_ij) with (int'(tmp_ij))) == 3;
    // sum of selected elements musted be 15
    dyn.sum(dyn_i) with (dyn_i.sum(dyn_ij) with (int'(dyn_ij*tmp[dyn_i.index][dyn_ij.index]))) == 15;
endclass : pkt
  pkt p =new;
  initial repeat (5) begin