Concurrent assertion to check address with previously sampled value on every clk edge

Want a systemverilog assertion which checks address with previously sample address in local variable on every clk edge until certain condition occurs.
Here i have written assertion but it is not checking address on every posedge of clk.

property priority_over_read_txn;
logic [40:0] observed_addr;
@(negedge clk_1) ((q_full & vld & rdy), observed_addr = addr) |-> @(negedge clk_2) ((cha_addr !== observed_addr) & q_full & cmd_valid[=1:$]) ##1 !q_full;

Can anyone suggest how can we use “until” here or is there any other way to write assertion for this scenario?

Thank you.

In reply to

Hi Ben,

Thank you for your suggestions and clear explanation.
Able to produce correct assertion using your s_until example.

Below assertion is working for me.

property priority_over_read_txn;
logic [40:0] observed_addr;
@(negedge clk_1) ((q_full & vld & rdy), observed_addr = addr) |->
@(negedge clk_2 && cmd_valid) ((cha_addr !== observed_addr) && q_full) s_until !q_full;

Thank you.