Can Race Condition exist during Coverage Sampling?

Hi All ,

I am revisiting SV Coverage and trying out scenarios which I missed out on earlier .

Here is one such scenario I was thinking of :

A typical race condition in standard Verilog is when a variable is being read as well as written on same event :

 always @( posedge clk ) 
      out  =  < Some_Expression > ;

 always @( posedge clk ) 
      sample   =   out  ;

The solution is to use non-blocking assignment .

Although typically race condition isn’t associated with coverage sampling , I was wondering if there could be a possibility .

LRM says :

a coverage point is sampled the instant the clocking event takes place,

If I were to write :

  bit   clk ;
  bit   [2:0] a ;
  covergroup  cg @( posedge clk ) ;  //  Triggered  in  Active  Region 
     coverpoint a ;
  cg  cg1  =  new() ;
  always  #5  clk  =  !clk ;
  always @( posedge clk )  a  =  a + 1 ;  //  Updated  in  Active  region  as  well
  initial  #50 $finish() ; 

[Q] As ’ a ’ is sampled and updated on the same posedge , either the previous or updated value could be sampled , right ?

i.e values sampled could either be auto[0] , auto[1] , auto[2] , auto[3] and auto[4] OR auto[1] , auto[2] , auto[3] , auto[4] and auto[5]

In reply to MICRO_91:

Yes, this is a typical race condition when nonblocking assignments are not used with sequential logic.

You could use the covergroup option strobe which guarantees to give you the updated value. But I would get the RTL fixed.