AHB PROTOCOL CONSTRAINT. can some one please explain me this constraint

        constraint addr_wrap4_Halfword{
                                if((burst_mode == WRAP4) && (trans_size == HALFWORD)){
                                                if(i != 0){
                                                        address[i][2:1] == address[i-1][2:1] + 1;
                                                        address[i][31:3] == address[i-1][31:3];

        constraint addr_wrap4_Word{
                                if((burst_mode == WRAP4) && (trans_size == WORD)){
                                                if(i != 0){
                                                        address[i][3:2] == address[i-1][3:2] + 1;
                                                        address[i][31:4] == address[i-1][31:4];

In reply to ankit96:

The first constraint says that all address bits 31-3 have to be the same, but bits 2-1 have to be consecutive. This only works if there are 4 or less addresses.

The second constraint says that all address bits 31-4 have to be the same, but bits 3-2 have to be consecutive. This only works if there are 4 or less addresses