Where to use -v95 and -v2k swithes in Alldec Reviera Pro tool 2011.10

error in package
Hello Everyone ,
I am working on aldec reviera Pro tool 2011.10 version to develop apb master OVC. in that i have a package given below :-

package apb_pkg;
import uvm_pkg::;
include "uvm_macros.svh" include “apb_seq_item.svh”
include "apb_agent_config.svh" include “apb_driver.svh”
include "apb_coverage_monitor.svh" include “apb_monitor.svh”
include "apb_sequencer.svh" include “apb_agent.svh”
// Utility Sequences
include "apb_seq.svh" endpackage: apb_pkg ########################################### ###############top.sv############################# include “uvm_pkg.sv”
`include “apb_pkg.sv”
module top();
import uvm_pkg::
import apb_pkg::*;

If i compile the above file then I am getting an error i.e
SYN ERROR : “Unexpected token:Package[_PACKAGE].The Package is a Sysyem Verilog 3.X keyword.Please use -V2K or -V95 switch”.
I referred the aldec Reviera PRo User guide, I didn’t find these switches.

what are these switches all about and where do i have to use these switches to fix the error. This Problem swallowed my valuable time and efforts.
I would be glad if anyone puts light on it.

You should contact your tool vendor for questions like this.

In reply to dave_59:

Please simply compile only the top.sv file.
Try also to upgrade this tool.