Where can I download the ovm_layering_agent extension kit?

This kit is mentioned in OVM/Sequences/Layering | Verification Academy, I want to use it, please tell me if you know, thanks!

You can find it further down the list on this forum - Easier Tests with OVM layering.

However, you may want to check out the UVM page on layering which shows an alternative approach which is easier to use and doesn’t require additional components:


The approach outlined should work on OVM.

In reply to mperyer:

Thanks you for your reply!
by the way, I think the second mothed is better, so I use it on OVM, however, there is some problem, the higher level sequencer is not connected to a driver, when wait_for_grant is called in higher level sequence, an OVM fatal is reported: “Wait_for_grant called on sequencer with no driver connected”, how should I avoid this problem ?