UVM Container - Easier DUT to TB Connections


Rich Edelman

Date: May 24, 2010  

UVM Container - Easier DUT to TB Connections

This package introduces a very simple class called uvm_container. In this package we show how to use this class to link a DUT and a testbench. We also introduce the dual top methodology. This methodology isolates the connections between DUT and interface in a protocol module. As well as providing a convenient site to add protocol specific assertions, these protocol modules automatically register the virtual interface with the UVM configuration using the uvm_container so that they can be used later by the testbench.

The paper in the docs directory explores some more complex issues relating to the best use of the configuration in the context of large, scalable testbenches. The two examples provide small but sufficiently complicated examples of this methodology.

This package will be of interest to anyone who has struggled to find a consistent and scalable methodology for integrating DUT and testbench using the UVM configuration mechanism.

1.0.1 Update: Replace PDF to avoid Adobe 9.3 issue.

Download: uvm_container-1.0.1.tar_0.gz