Test Island Concept?

Hi all,

at my last job we had the concept of a Test Island - An intermediate block in your top level module that you would pass all your interfaces to, and the Test Island is where all the registering of your interfaces and such would be done to make them available to your verification ENV along with maybe a few other things.

I was curious to know if it was a formal and standardized concept but a quick google search turned up absolutely nothing to my surprise. Have other people here used the term test island, and does my definition match what you know it to be?

In reply to silverace99work:

I have seen and used the term “verification island” when trying to bring in environments from incompatible methodologies. Each would hook up to their own interfaces, but there would be no communication between the two environments except through the DUT. An example would be if you had OVM VIP and UVM VIP and could not convert the OVM VIP to UVM.