How to set a breakpoint for a specific instance of a class using Questa

My testbench is having several agent instances of a same class.
I am interested in setting a breakpoint in a monitor for just one particular agent, says, agent1.
However, seems like it breaks everytime the line is hit by any of the agents

I have tried to set the “Instance Name” in the Breakpoint window in Questa to “/ovm_root/ovm_test_top/m_top_env/agent1/monitor”.
However it is not working by not breaking at that line at all.
Any idea how to set this right?

class fabric_agent extends ovm_agent
  fabric_monitor monitor;
  fabric_driver  driver;

class top_env extends ovm_env
  fabric_agent agent1, agent2, agent3;


class fabric_monitor extends ovm_subscriber #(fabric_xaction)
  task run();
    // breakpoint is set to stop somewhere here.