In reply to dave_59:
Thanks Dave !!
But my problem is something more:
I want to calculate the input coverage in which I want to be sure that my desired test vectors were thrown.
Now the seq_item(n number of bytes) randomized in the sequence and sequence processes it and throws seq_item_1(single byte) to driver so does the monitor sees it in byte information.
So keeping the coverage_model on the transaction based on data gives by the byte information(monitor/driver) gives me the data bins not the packet information based on enumeration ,I want to generate the coverage in terms enumerated data typedef {x,y,z} lmn_t; typedef {m,n,o} pqr_t;
lets say:
agent1 covers x,y
agent2 covers y,z
So I expect the cross coverage gives me the bins uncovered {agent1.z, agent2.x} … etc,
Thus only I would be able to generate other scenarios.
May be I am wondering somewhere else, please put light on this.
Great Many Thanks Dave for your prompt replies.