Created a cross and expected multiple bins but it created just one

Background: I initially created a very generic cross with numerous bins, which resulted in millions of bins. Following advice from this forum, I stepped back and created a cover point for each bin, leading to more tailored cross points.

Now, I want to create a slightly more generic cross point to cover more combinations. However, despite it theoretically containing more than one bin, the tool still indicates it only contains one bin. Below are all the cover points that make up the cross point, followed by the cross itself.

Can you help me with this?

cp_comp_srdy_one_to_one : coverpoint comp_srdy iff (fifo_srdy)
bins one_to_one    = (1'b1 => 1'b1);

cp_MODE : coverpoint {is_MODE, comp_is_32b} 
    bins nonMODE_16bit = {2'b00};
    bins nonMODE_32bit = {2'b01};
    bins MODE_16bit = {2'b10};
    bins MODE_32bit = {2'b11};


  cp_state_reduced : coverpoint comp_rcv_state_Q 
    bins wait_comp_data     = {WAIT_COMP_DATA};
    bins rcv_bb_data        = {RCV_BB_DATA};
    bins rcv_comp_data      = {RCV_COMP_DATA};       

  cp_comp_id : coverpoint tfifo_quad_id[2:1]     iff (comp_srdy)
bins normal_toggle[]  = {[0:3]};
bins zero_to_zero   = (2'b00 => 2'b00);
bins one_to_one     = (2'b01 => 2'b01);
bins two_to_two     = (2'b10 => 2'b10);
bins three_to_three = (2'b11 => 2'b11);
bins zero_to_one    = (2'b00 => 2'b01);
bins zero_to_two    = (2'b00 => 2'b10);
bins zero_to_three  = (2'b00 => 2'b11);
bins one_to_zero    = (2'b01 => 2'b00);
bins one_to_two     = (2'b01 => 2'b10);
bins one_to_three   = (2'b01 => 2'b11);
bins two_to_zero    = (2'b10 => 2'b00);
bins two_to_one     = (2'b10 => 2'b10);
bins two_to_three   = (2'b10 => 2'b11); 
bins three_to_zero  = (2'b11 => 2'b00);
bins three_to_one   = (2'b11 => 2'b10);
bins three_to_two   = (2'b11 => 2'b11);        
bins full_trans     = (2'b00 => 2'b01 => 2'b10 => 2'b11);

  cp_dq_srdy : coverpoint dq_srdy
    bins one  = {1};
    bins zero = {0};
    bins zero_to_zero  = (1'b0 => 1'b0);
    bins one_to_one    = (1'b1 => 1'b1);
    bins zero_to_one   = (1'b0 => 1'b1);
    bins one_to_zero   = (1'b1 => 1'b0);

 cp_last_one_to_one : coverpoint dq_last
    bins one_to_one    = (1'b1 => 1'b1);

 cp_fstg_rrdy_zero_to_zero : coverpoint fstg_rrdy
    bins zero_to_zero  = (1'b0 => 1'b0);

    cp_BB_srdy_zero_to_zero : coverpoint sfback_srdy
    bins zero_to_zero  = (1'b0 => 1'b0);

 cx_comp_generic_dq_id_x_after_generic_dq_id_x: cross cp_comp_srdy_one_to_one, cp_MODE, cp_state_reduced, cp_comp_id, cp_dq_srdy, cp_last_one_to_one, cp_fstg_rrdy_zero_to_zero, cp_BB_srdy_zero_to_zero
    bins comp_generic_dq_id_x_after_generic_dq_id_x          = binsof(cp_comp_srdy_one_to_one) && 
                                                               binsof(cp_MODE) &&
                                                               binsof(cp_state_reduced) intersect {WAIT_COMP_DATA, RCV_COMP_DATA} && 
                                                               binsof(cp_comp_id) &&
                                                               binsof(cp_dq_srdy) &&
                                                               binsof(cp_last_one_to_one) &&
                                                               binsof(cp_fstg_rrdy_zero_to_zero) &&
    ignore_bins bb_data= binsof(cp_state_reduced.rcv_bb_data) ;     
    ignore_bins MODE_32bit = binsof(cp_MODE.MODE_32bit) ;

I want to reply to myself so in case someone is having the same doubt/question can have an answer.

Basically by specificying the bin " bins comp_generic_dq_id_x_after_generic_dq_id_x" I created a bin which will be hit if ANY of the combinations is hit. So basically creating a bin of size 1 which is the merge of all the possible combination.

By not specifying that bin, the cross creates all the bins automatically which are 3000+.

I hope this is useful, I know it might be basic knowledge to someone here but there is no much help around internet for this.

Kind regards,