Cadence OVM_RGM2.4 Release

Contributor: Sharon Rosenberg
Date: September 7, 2010  

Cadence OVM_RGM2.4 Release

OVM_RGM2.4 is the OVM version of the Cadence Register and Memory package that has been tested by multiple users on all major commercial simulators.

  A UVM version of this package exist on<br>
  <u><strong>Library Enhancements</strong></u>: </p>
    <li>Created base class for virtual sequence having generic register access task</li>
    <li>Relaxed the rule, container interleaving now allowed to facilitate re-use</li>
    <li>Added support for backdoor HDL path for 'RTL' and other levels ('GATE')</li>
    <li>Bank memory (Parallel and Serial)</li>
    <li>Changed register backdoor write function to task</li>
    <li>Added static field in base reg class to allow backdoor force-delay programmable</li>
    <li>Function get_reg_file_by_name and get_addr_map_by_name support wildcard string search</li>
    <li>Function get_container_by_name added to rdb class, supports wildcard string search</li>
    <li>Added 'mask' field for register operation class</li>
    <li>Backdoor wr updates the register / memory which calls it</li>
    <li>Changed field access policy changed to string from enumerated type</li>
    <li>Field attributes can be over-ridden now</li>
    <li>Added call-backs for pre/post access for registers (uvm_rgm only)\</li>
  <p> <u><strong>Parser:</strong></u></p>
    <li> Modified to generate fld access as string (for ovm_rgm_sfld_register's parameter) </li>
  <p> <u><strong>Examples:</strong></u></p>
    <li>Modified virtual sequence examples to use base parameterized virtual sequence</li>
    <li>Examples added for bank memory simple_examples/memory_bank</li>
    <li>Examples added on sequence reuse from block to system level: simple_example/seq_reuse/reuse1 and simple_example/seq_reuse/reuse2</li>
  <p> <u><strong>Bug Fixed:</strong></u></p>
    <li>Backdoor rd initializes the value from 'source', if present</li>
    <li>If mapped access is RO, update bytes should be skipped</li>
    <li>update_bv and compare_bv, when no_of_bytes are '0' should update and compare that leaf</li>
    <li>Built-in-seq : wr_rd seqence parameters getting over-ridden by get_config</li>
    <li>Memory : user_backdoor_[rd|wr] error with misalined incomplete burst</li>
    <li>Parser : Didn't handle field enumeration wth hex value</li>
    <li>Parser: RC and RCW produced the same code</li>
  <p>Please look at the docs/release-notes.txt for more details.<br>

For more information about using the ovm_rgm package please contact

Download: ovm_rgm_2.4.tar