Building Sparse Cross Coverage Bins for arrays of enum'ed datatypes

Consider the example below

// File:
// Purpose: simple Experimental Example to show how to build more comptex
// coverage involving typedefs, arrays and emums.
// By: Thomas D. Tessier, t2design Inc.

typedef enum (TEXA, TEXB, TEXC, TEXD, TEXE, TEXF, TEXNONE} texture_enum_t;
typedef enum (ON, OFF, BLINK) feature_enum_t;
typedef enum (ENABLE, DISABLE} enable_enum_t;
typedef enum (FRONT, BACK) stage_enum_t;
typedef enum (RED, BLUE, GREEN) color_enum_t;
typedef bit [2:0] color_t;
typedef bit [4:0] width_t;
typedef bit [4:0] height_t;
typedef bit [3:0] depth_t;

const stage_enum_t stage_loops [stage_enum_t] = '(FRONT: FRONT, BACK: BACK};
const color_enum_t color_loops[color_enum_t] = '(RED: RED, BLUE: BLUE, GREEN: GREEN};

class pixel_t;
   rand color_t pixel_color(stage_enum_t][color_enum_t];
   rand width_t pixel_x[stage_enum_t];
   rand height_t pixel_y[stage_enum_t];
   rand depth_t pixel_z[stage_enum_t];
   rand texture_enum_t pixel_texture[stage_enum_t];
   rand feature_enum_t pixel_feature[stage_enum_t];
   rand enable_enum_t pixel_visibility[stage_enum_t];

   function new(string name="pixel_t");
      foreach (stage_loops [stage]) begin
         pixel_x[stage] = 0;
         pixel y[stage] = 0;
         pixel_z[stage] = 0;
         pixel_texture[stage] = TEXNONE;
         pixel_feature[stage] = OFF;
         pixel_visibility[stage] = DISABLE;
         foreach (color_loops[color]) begin
            pixel_color[stage][color] = 0;
      end // foreach (stage_loops [stage])
   endfunction // new
endclass // pixel_t

covergroup cg_pixel(string name) with function sample(pixel_t item, stage_enum_t stage, color_enum_t color):
   option.per_instance = 1; = name;
   ср_с: coverpoint item.pixel__color[stage][color];
   cp_x:coverpoint item.pixel_x[stage] ;
   ср_у: coverpoint item.pixel_y[stage];
   cp_z: coverpoint item.pixel_z[stage];
   cp_t:coverpoint item.pixel_texture[stage];
   cp_f: coverpoint item.pixel_feature|stage];
   cp_v: coverpoint item. pixel _visibility[stage];

   // Simple cross with simple logical ignore_bin
   cx_tfv: cross cp_t, cp_f, cp_v {
   ignore_bins not_visible = cx_tfv with (cp_v = DISABLE || cp_t = TEXNONE || cp_f == OFF);
endgroup // cg pixel

class pixel_coverage_wrapper;
   // how to get around arrays of embedded covergroups

   cg_pixel mycg_pixel[state_enum_t][color_enum_t];

   function new();
      foreach (stage_loops[stage]) foreach (color_loops[color]) begin
         mycg_pixel[stage][color] = new($sformatf("mycg_pixel[%p][%p]_inside_wrapper", stage, color));
   endfunction // new

   function void sample(pixel_t pixel);
      foreach (stage_loops[stage]) foreach (color_loops[color]) begin
         mycg_pixel[stage][color].sample(pixel, stage, color);
   endfunction // sample
endclass // pixel_coverage_wrapper

class pixel_coverage_t;
   pixel_coverage_wrapper pcw;

   function new();
      pcw = new();
   endfunction // new

   function void write(pixel_t pixel);
   endfunction // write
endclass // pixel_coverage_t

module top;
   pixel_coverage_t the_coverage = new();

   pixel_t the_pixel;

   initial begin
      the_pixel = new();
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) begin
         assert (the_pixel.randoize ());
endmodule // top

// end of file

Lets say I want to answer the question: Did I hit these key colors: Black (0,0,0), White (7,7,7), Red (7,0,0), Lime (0,7,0) and Blue (0,0,7). We might also want to cross these colors with Blinking as well.

Now I know we could change the “pixel_t” class to organize the data differently, I cannot do that for the problem I am trying to solve. I just have to build coverage for this data object. Now this is a small example my actual design contains 100K space of which I am looking for like 2000 datapoints. I am trying to figure out how to write functions or macros to help me program up the coverage bins and model.

Thanks in advance for considering.