Teststatus 5 (error) when merging UCDBs of same test record name


I have a problem when merging multiple UCDBs of same test record name from different directories. Getting attribute of merged database (vcover report attribute merge_total.ucdb), I see the TESTSTATUS attribute is 5 (i.e error during merge). I did check the merged database in html, the functional coverage data are merged normally (union merge).

Is the merge process failed in this case?


The TESTNANE field must be unique for each of the UCDBs that you merge.

You should really ensure that the ‘coverage save’ command gives the UCDB a unique name each time.
If you don’t want to run the sims again, then you can manually change the TESTNAME as follows:

In this example I have 2 UCDBs with the same TESTNAME

I can check this using the vcover command as follows

vcover attribute -name TESTNAME cfg_ip_core_bscan_tb1.ucdb

Start time: 14:52:57 on May 07,2015

QuestaSim vcover 10.4a Coverage Utility 2015.03 Mar 25 2015

vcover attribute -name TESTNAME cfg_ip_core_bscan_tb1.ucdb

TESTNAME = cfg_ip_core_bscan_tb1

vcover attribute -name TESTNAME cfg_ip_core_bscan_tb1.ucdb2

Start time: 14:53:02 on May 07,2015

QuestaSim vcover 10.4a Coverage Utility 2015.03 Mar 25 2015

vcover attribute -name TESTNAME cfg_ip_core_bscan_tb1.ucdb2

TESTNAME = cfg_ip_core_bscan_tb1


Do the following steps

  1. coverage open cfg_ip_core_bscan_tb1.ucdb2
  2. coverage attribute -name TESTNAME -value cfg_ip_core_bscan_tb1_2
  3. coverage save cfg_ip_core_bscan_tb1_2.ucdb

Now you should be able to merge the first UCDB with the one whose TESTNANE was modified
4. vcover merge merge.ucdb cfg_ip_core_bscan_tb1.ucdb cfg_ip_core_bscan_tb1_2.ucdb -verbose

You can chekc the TESTNAMES of the simulations in the mnerged UCDb using the following:
5. vcover attribute -name TESTNAME merge.ucdb

Start time: 14:56:03 on May 07,2015

QuestaSim vcover 10.4a Coverage Utility 2015.03 Mar 25 2015

vcover attribute -name TESTNAME merge.ucdb

TESTNAME = cfg_ip_core_bscan_tb1

TESTNAME = cfg_ip_core_bscan_tb1_2

End time: 14:56:03 on May 07,2015, Elapsed time: 0:00:00

Errors: 0, Warnings: 0

Hope that helps