Coverage on concatenation of bits


I am encountering an unexpected behaviour and am unable to resolve it.

I have two variables:
bit [1:0] var1;
bit [1:0] var2;

I have defined a coverpoint as below:
covp_myname : coverpoint {var1, var2}
bins cnct_comb_1 = {'b0000};
bins cnct_comb_2 = {'b0001};
bins cnct_comb_3 = {'b0010};
bins cnct_comb_4 = {'b0101};
bins cnct_comb_5 = {'b1010};
bins cnct_comb_6 = {'b1111};
bins cnct_comb_7 = {'b1101};



When I view the coverage, I only see cnct_comb_1,cnct_comb_2,cnct_comb_3 and cnct_comb_4.
For some reason cnct_comb_5,6,7 are omitted.

What am I missing?

In reply to vinmanohar:

You’re missing showing us the values of var1 and var2 when you call sample().