Fast packer converters

Fast packer converters
IntroductionNow that you’ve read the chapter on Converters and understand how to create custom variations of converters and packers, this section shows 2 special types of custom converters called fast packers.
Fast packer featuresThese “fast packers” add two features in contrast to their default converter counterparts,
The class uvmc_xl_converter packer classThe class uvmc_xl_converter conforms in the strictest sense to the required semantics of the TLM-2.0 base protocol specifically with respect to modifiability of attributes (see IEEE 1666-2011 section on TLM-2.0 base protocol), and thus does not indiscriminately transfer all fields of the generic payload in both directions across the language boundary.
The class uvmc_tlm_gp_converter packer classThe class uvmc_tlm_gp_converter has the same features of unlimited payload size and efficient data payload passing techniques that use “C assist” and “pass by reference” that class uvmc_xl_converter above does, but it unconditionally transfers all fields of the generic payload along all paths without regard to modifiability of attributes which is more semantically compatible with the slower, size limited default packer, but which is less efficient that the class uvmc_xl_converter described above.
How to use the fast packers
Specifying fast packers when uvmc_connect() is calledTo use the fast packers for a specific TLM connection that uses TLM GPs as the transaction type, specify the desired converter type when calling the uvmc_connect() call.
Fast packer source code
Fast-packer converter examples
Running the examplesFor examples that use the fast packer converters see,
List of tests and what they do.In all the tests below we want to benchmark the transfer of 80 2MB “HD-image” payloads across a UVM-Connect’ion.


Now that you’ve read the chapter on Converters and understand how to create custom variations of converters and packers, this section shows 2 special types of custom converters called fast packers.

Fast packers are designed to operate specifically on TLM generic payload (TLM GP) transaction types (i.e.  SV class uvm_tlm_generic_payload, SC class tlm_generic_payload) when the application passes them across UVM-Connect’ed sockets.

For the fast packer converter classes, the same technique described in the previous section for creating custom converter classes was used to create these particular converters for use on both sides of the UVM-Connect’ion.

Fast packer features

These “fast packers” add two features in contrast to their default converter counterparts,

  • Improved performance
  • Support for TLM generic payloads with no fixed limitations on data payload sizes (i.e. unlimited data payloads)

There are two flavors of fast packers,

1. class uvmc_xl_converter
2. class uvmc_tlm_gp_converter

The same class names were used for both the SV and SC versions of these classes.

The fast packer converter classes have both been enhanced for better performance than the default packers, and both support unlimited payloads.  But there are slightly differing semantics for each of the two.

The class uvmc_xl_converter packer class

The class uvmc_xl_converter conforms in the strictest sense to the required semantics of the TLM-2.0 base protocol specifically with respect to modifiability of attributes (see IEEE 1666-2011 section on TLM-2.0 base protocol), and thus does not indiscriminately transfer all fields of the generic payload in both directions across the language boundary.

Rather it decides, depending on the mode of the transaction (READ or WRITE), and whether it is being transferred along the forward, backward, or return paths, which fields to transfer and which to leave alone.

For example WRITE transactions do not need to have the address, data, length, enables and control fields transferred long the return path - only the status.

READ transactions also do not need address, length, enables, transferred along the return path, only data and status.  And furthermore for READs data does not need to be transferred along the forward/backward path (only return path).

These fine-tuned optimizations, along with some use of pass-by-reference semantics collectively have maximized the performance purely at the communication layers of the UVM-Connect’ion.

Additionally the class uvmc_xl_converter supports the passing of TLM GP configuration extensions that derive from class uvmc_xl_config.  See the section on Configuration extensions for more details about how they can be used.

The class uvmc_tlm_gp_converter packer class

The class uvmc_tlm_gp_converter has the same features of unlimited payload size and efficient data payload passing techniques that use “C assist” and “pass by reference” that class uvmc_xl_converter above does, but it unconditionally transfers all fields of the generic payload along all paths without regard to modifiability of attributes which is more semantically compatible with the slower, size limited default packer, but which is less efficient that the class uvmc_xl_converter described above.

Both types of fast packers have been shown to be useful and are considered essential for different usage contexts.

Specifying fast packers when uvmc_connect() is called

To use the fast packers for a specific TLM connection that uses TLM GPs as the transaction type, specify the desired converter type when calling the uvmc_connect() call.

Here is how it is done for the class uvmc_xl_converter variant,

  • For SC side (see sc2sv2sc_xl_gp_converter_loopback.cpp for example):
int sc_main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
  producer_uvm prod( "producer" );
  uvmc_connect<uvmc_xl_converter<tlm_generic_payload> >( prod.out, "42" );
  uvmc_connect<uvmc_xl_converter<tlm_generic_payload> >(, "43" );
  return 0;
  • For SV side (see for an example):
module sv_main;
  loopback loop = new( "loop" );

  initial begin
    uvmc_tlm #( uvm_tlm_generic_payload,
        uvm_tlm_phase_e, uvmc_xl_tlm_gp_converter)::connect(, "42" );
    uvmc_tlm #( uvm_tlm_generic_payload,
        uvm_tlm_phase_e, uvmc_xl_tlm_gp_converter)::connect( loop.out, "43");

And here is how it is done for the class uvmc_tlm_gp_converter variant,

  • For SC side (see sc2sv2sc_gp_converter_loopback.cpp for example):
int sc_main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
  producer_uvm prod( "producer" );
  uvmc_connect<uvmc_tlm_gp_converter>( prod.out,"42" );
  uvmc_connect<uvmc_tlm_gp_converter>(,"43" );
  return 0;
  • For SV side (see for an example):
module sv_main;
  loopback loop = new( "loop" );
  initial begin
    uvmc_tlm #( uvm_tlm_generic_payload,
        uvm_tlm_phase_e, uvmc_tlm_gp_converter) ::connect(, "42" );
    uvmc_tlm #( uvm_tlm_generic_payload,
        uvm_tlm_phase_e, uvmc_tlm_gp_converter) ::connect( loop.out, "43");

Fast packer source code

  • For the fast packer source code files themselves see,

Running the examples

For examples that use the fast packer converters see,


This directory contains several examples of TLM-2 UVM-Connect’ions that pass TLM-2 generic payloads (TLM GPs) between SystemC (SC) and SystemVerilog (SV).

Use make help to view the menu of available tests,

make help

To run just one test such as sc2sv2sc_loopback,

make sc2sv2sc_loopback

This compiles then runs the sc2sv2sc_loopback test.  See listing below for all possible tests in the xlerate.connections/ suite.

To run all tests, check them, and clean up afterwards, i.e.  sim:, check:, and clean: targets, use the all: target as follows,

make all

Or you can run individual sub-targets.

The sim target compiles and runs all the tests.

make sim

The check target checks results of all the tests.

make check

The clean target deletes all the simulation files produced from previous runs.

make clean

You can combine targets in one command line

make sim check

The following runs the ‘sim’ target, providing the path to the UVM source and compiled library on the make command line.

make UVM_HOME=<path> UVM_LIB=<path> sim

List of tests and what they do.

In all the tests below we want to benchmark the transfer of 80 2MB “HD-image” payloads across a UVM-Connect’ion.

With truly unlimited generic payloads (TLM GPs), we can represent each image as a single GP transaction.

However, because the default UVM packer based implementation limits the entire payload to 4KBytes (see default value of `define UVM_PACKER_MAX_BYTES 4096 for UVM packers) we must break the image down into a series of small payload fragments.  Each fragment must fit in a maximally sized generic payload as supported by UVM-Connect.  This means, address, command, status, byte enables, lengths, and the payload data itself must all fit in the 4KB payload.

So, the tests below that use default UVM packers (see tests sc2sv2sc_loopback and sv2sc2sv_loopback) need the actual data payloads themselves to fit in 2KByte fragments which would leave ample room for the rest of the fixed sized data fields of the TLM GP (address, command, byte enables, etc) to fit in the remaining 2KB of the payload.

So with this in mind we can fragment our 80 2MB HD-images into 2KB chunks as,

  80 x 2 x 1024   x 1024 bytes
= 80 x 2 x 1024/2 x 2048 bytes
= 80 x 2 x 512            2048 byte payloads
= 81920                   2048 byte payloads


Now with the 2 flavors of improved packers, in addition to getting better trans-language communication performance, there is no limit on payload size.  In fact, there is no need for a globally defined static maximum byte stream size at all.

Having a statically specified global maximum of any kind always begs the question, “how big is big enough ?”.  And so in many accelerated applications we try to avoid statically specified maximum payload sizes entirely on the HVL side of the link.

So without this limitation, we can restructure the test as,

80 x 2MB payloads

i.e. NUM_TRANSACTIONS = 80, PAYLOAD_NUM_BYTES = 2 * 1024 * 1024 = 2 MB

In the tests below this is referred to as a “whole image payload”.  So for each of the tests listed in the Makefile’s you’ll see that each test specifies both of these parameters, NUM_TRANSACTIONS and PAYLOAD_NUM_BYTES, depending on whether the test is dividing each image into multiple 2KB chunks or sending the whole image payload 80 times.

Here is a listing of the tests in this example suite the indicates what packers are used and what payload kinds are used for each test (listing is generated with “make help” command).

|                  UVMC EXAMPLES - FAST PACKERS                   |
|                                                                 |
| Usage:                                                          |
|                                                                 |
|   make [UVM_HOME=path] [UVMC_HOME=path] <example>               |
|                                                                 |
| where <example> is one or more of:                              |
|                                                                 |
|   sc2sv2sc_loopback:                                            |
|                  SC producer <-> SV loopback                    |
|                  Connection is made via UVMC                    |
|                  with native default uvmc_converter's           |
|                                                                 |
|   sv2sc2sv_loopback:                                            |
|                  SV producer <-> SC loopback                    |
|                  Connection is made via UVMC                    |
|                  with native default uvmc_converter's           |
|   -----------------------------------------------------------   |
|   sc2sv2sc_gp_converter_loopback:                               |
|                  SC producer <-> SV loopback                    |
|                  Connection is made via UVMC                    |
|                  with uvmc_tlm_gp_converter's                   |
|                                                                 |
|   sv2sc2sv_gp_converter_loopback:                               |
|                  SV producer <-> SC loopback                    |
|                  Connection is made via UVMC                    |
|                  with uvmc_tlm_gp_converter's                   |
|                                                                 |
|   sc2sv2sc_gp_converter_loopback_whole_image_payloads:          |
|                  SC producer <-> SV loopback                    |
|                  Connection is made via UVMC                    |
|                  with uvmc_tlm_gp_converter's                   |
|                  and big, nasty packets                         |
|                                                                 |
|   sv2sc2sv_gp_converter_loopback_whole_image_payloads:          |
|                  SV producer <-> SC loopback                    |
|                  Connection is made via UVMC                    |
|                  with uvmc_tlm_gp_converter's                   |
|                  and big, nasty packets                         |
|   -----------------------------------------------------------   |
|   sc2sv2sc_xl_gp_converter_loopback:                            |
|                  SC producer <-> SV loopback                    |
|                  Connection is made via UVMC                    |
|                  with XLerated converters                       |
|                                                                 |
|   sv2sc2sv_xl_gp_converter_loopback:                            |
|                  SV producer <-> SC loopback                    |
|                  Connection is made via UVMC                    |
|                  with XLerated converters                       |
|                                                                 |
|   sc2sv2sc_xl_gp_converter_loopback_whole_image_payloads:       |
|                  SC producer <-> SV loopback                    |
|                  Connection is made via UVMC                    |
|                  with XLerated converters                       |
|                  and big, nasty packets                         |
|                                                                 |
|   sv2sc2sv_xl_gp_converter_loopback_whole_image_payloads:       |
|                  SV producer <-> SC loopback                    |
|                  Connection is made via UVMC                    |
|                  with XLerated converters                       |
|                  and big, nasty packets                         |
|   -----------------------------------------------------------   |
|   sc2sc2sc_uvmc_loopback:                                       |
|                  SC producer <-> SC loopback                    |
|                  Connection is made via UVMC                    |
|                  with native default uvmc_converter's           |
|                                                                 |
|   sc2sc2sc_xl_gp_converter_uvmc_loopback:                       |
|                  SC producer --> SC loopback                    |
|                  Connection is made via UVMC                    |
|                  with XLerated converters                       |
|                                                                 |
|   sc2sc2sc_xl_gp_converter_uvmc_loopback_whole_image_payloads   |
|                  SC producer <-> SC loopback                    |
|                  Connection is made via UVMC.                   |
|                  with XLerated converters                       |
|                  and big, nasty packets                         |
|   -----------------------------------------------------------   |
|   sc2sc2sc_uvmc_loopback:                                       |
|                  SC producer <-> SC loopback                    |
|                  Connection is made via UVMC                    |
|                  with native default uvmc_converter's           |
|   -----------------------------------------------------------   |
|   sv2sv2sv_uvmc_loopback:                                       |
|                  SV producer <-> SV loopback                    |
|                  Connection is made via UVMC                    |
|                  with native default uvmc_converter's           |
|                                                                 |
|   sv2sv2sv_xl_gp_converter_uvmc_loopback:                       |
|                  SV producer --> SV loopback                    |
|                  Connection is made via UVMC                    |
|                  with XLerated converters                       |
|                                                                 |
|   sv2sv2sv_xl_gp_converter_uvmc_loopback_whole_image_payloads   |
|                  SV producer <-> SV loopback                    |
|                  Connection is made via UVMC.                   |
|                  with XLerated converters                       |
|                  and big, nasty packets                         |
|                                                                 |
| UVM_HOME and UVMC_HOME specify the location of the source       |
| headers and macro definitions needed by the examples. You must  |
| specify their locations via UVM_HOME and UVMC_HOME environment  |
| variables or make command line options. Command line options    |
| override any envrionment variable settings.                     |
|                                                                 |
| The UVM and UVMC libraries must be compiled prior to running    |
| any example. If the libraries are not at their default location |
| (UVMC_HOME/lib) then you must specify their location via the    |
| UVM_LIB and/or UVMC_LIB environment variables or make command   |
| line options. Make command line options take precedence.        |
|                                                                 |
| Other options:                                                  |
|                                                                 |
|   all   : Run all examples                                      |
|   clean : Remove simulation files and directories               |
|   help  : Print this help information                           |
|                                                                 |
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